Final Report Submitted

Final Report of DigiLEAD

DigiLEAD project consortium finalized the project as of 31 December 2023. In the scope of the project, the consortium developed an e-learning platform that has seven modules and the curriculum is taught via videos that accumulates to more than 70 minutes in total.

Now the platform is active and open for the use of not only adult sports coaches but also all the individuals who would like to build their digital literacy and skills.

As the final step of the project, ATILIM finalized the Final Report of the project and submitted it to Dutch National Agency to be evaluated.

Even the project is finalized, consortium will be keeping the modules active and updated so that new videos will be added continuously to develop the capacity and impact of the project.






New Modules at DigiLEAD by ATILIM
A Podcast on DigiLEAD