A New Look for DigiLEAD Platform

DigiLEAD project partners keep their enthusiasm to carry the platform into more success even the project is officially finalized. The consortium members, being in close contact with users, requested their feedback and started making necessary updates to design the portal to a more user friendly approach.

Technical team of DigiLEAD, managed by VidiSport, are working hard to make some design changes for a more useful and user friendly training portal. The new design phase is about to end and in a short time to contend of the existing portal will be transferred into new design.

Sustainability is a very important aspect of all Erasmus+ projects. DigiLEAD project consortium is taking necessary steps in line with the sustainability strategy of the project and even the project is finalized, partners are  working hard not only to update the design but also to keep participants more engaged into the platform.

Partners while updating the design on one side, preparing new videos on the other side to improve the contend of the platform.

Keep following our web page and the platform for more updates.





A Weekend of Martial Arts and Digital Leadership: Sifu AKIN’s Unique Blend at MartialArts Weekend
New Modules at DigiLEAD by ATILIM